Pod Kits Vs Disposables - Which Should I Use?
We all know this is an age old debate since the introduction of Disposable Vapes coming into the country back in 2018, but which is better for you?
In this breakdown, we're going to show you the benefits and the disadvantages to both sides, to give you more knowledge when it comes to knowing what suits you more!
Disposable vape kits have taken the vaping industry by storm in recent times, mainly due to their simplicity and ease of use which appeals to new vapers. Before disposables became a worldwide phenomenon though, people were using and loving Pod style vaping devices.
Pod vape kits have been incredibly popular with new vapers since they came about, due to their versatility and ease of use.
Pod kits and disposable kits have a few things in common, but the main similarity is the fact they appeal to beginner vapers, experienced vapers who just want the simplest vaping experience and people that are trying to quit smoking.
Despite their commonalities, pod kits and disposable vapes have their differences, and one of the most noticeable differences for a lot of people may be price or affordability. Although the initial price is definitely a factor to consider, identifying the overall value for both types of vape kits can be the deciding element for vapers.
So, which has the better value out of disposable vapes and pod systems?
Disposable Vapes - Pro's & Cons
The biggest Pro of using disposables is the simplicity. It's as easy as unbox and drag! Nothing else on the market is as easy as that!
With them being pre-filled and ready to go, you also have the functionality of an instant vape, with no mess from juice or waiting for a coil to soak for you to use.
They're also incredibly easy to maintain. Some larger disposables to have the ability to be charged or have replacement pre-filled pods, but a majority are just use until its done, therefore no upkeep!
With the Con's there's one huge one to kick it off - the enviromental impact! With everyone that is used, they are damaging the planet with their single use batteries and plastics.
Being a single use 'device' is not cost effective. Also the price comparison to a refillable device is very narrow, so its not as if you're saving any money with each purchase.
Pod Kits - Pro's & Con's
There are a lot of Pro's to list here, but without sending you off to sleep, we'll highlight three key points.
The first and most obvious is the cost efficiency. With the initial outlay of the cost of a device and a few different flavoured e-liquids to try, it may seem expensive, but when you learn that for the same amount of liquid in a 6,000 puff disposable averaging between £15 and £18, in liquid form the same amount will cost you £4.50!
The second Pro is flavour and nicotine choice. All if not most disposables are fixed to one flavour in the highest legal limit strength of nicotine, but with a pod kit you open yourself up to thousands of flavours at varying levels of nicotine to help you cut down your intake.
The third is the longevity of the device compared to a disposable. With correct charging and a little bit of upkeep, there's no reason a well priced device can last you much longer than a year!
The Con's COMPARED TO A DISPOSABLE would be the upkeep - charging, changing pods, cleaning down every now and again...but we all have phones right?