Pod Kits Vs Coil Kits - What’s actually better?

We sell hundreds of kits every week, from a variety of companies and we've noticed that the world has leaned more towards kits that utilise closed pod kits as opposed to one that take replacement coils. 

As we've been in the industry since the very beginning, we've seen it all and how the times change and we wanted to give you a bit more information on the pro's and con's to see which style is better for you! 

All pods contain a coil -  the element which heats up and vaporises the e-liquid inside. 

As you can imagine, a coil won’t last forever, and will need replacing from time to time, although in low-powered entry-level devices they will usually last at least two weeks. 

A key decision to make is whether you want a replaceable coil or a fixed coil pod system. Again, there’s a trade off between convenience and cost. With a fixed-coil pod, as the coil comes to the end of its life you simply dispose of the whole pod and replace it. However, when you have a replaceable coil, you replace just the coil. 

It is easier to replace the whole pod, but note that modern coils come with a push-pull design. Changing these coils is straightforward and takes only a few seconds.

Replaceable Coils - Pro's & Cons

The main thing with choosing replacement coils over closed pods is the financial benefit. 

With a pack of 5 replacement coils costing the same roughly as 3 or 4 closed pods, there is a dramatic saving to be had this way. 

The second benefit is covering yourself with a faulty coil. This can occur on both sides, but with a faulty coil, its easier to replace than a filled pod that has instantly trigged a fault, such as burning out or not reading correctly.

One thing we absolutely love about changeable coils is the ease to change flavours. For instance, if you've taken a punt on a new juice and you don't like it, whipping out a coil and inserting a fresh one is easier and more cost effective than replacing a whole pod! 

The main con with this system isn't really a con, it comes down to personal preference but the thing that stops some people is it seems 'fiddly', but with the modern push and pull fit coil style, it couldn't be easier!

Replacement Pods - Pro's & Con's

We all know the main Pro of using closed pods - the ease of use! It's a simpler, less sticky and more time efficient way of replacing a used and burnt coil against changing a coil. 

It's also easier to change between flavours if you have multiple pods with different flavours in, to keep the tastebuds guessing!

The main Con in our eyes is the cost. As much as pods are affordable, they can be seen as expensive in comparison to a pack of coils or simply a single coil. 

The other main Con with replacement pods is the environmental impact. Without the ability to separate the metal coil from its plastic housing, it can be a nightmare for recycling and re-using the materials. 


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