Frequently Asked Questions - and the answers!
We get a lot of questions, online and in store, that we thought we can share with you all, not to stop you asking us questions, but incase you'd like to know something before you make a purchase!
If you don't see the question you want answering on here, don't be afraid to get in touch to get yours answered!
Can I have big bottles of juice stronger than 3mg?
Yes! We have many flavours in our stunning Longfill ranges, including fruits you all know and love all the way through to incredible dessert flavours! These can be made up to 10mg strength in 120ml bottles, leaving you plenty of juice in the strength you require.
How do I charge my device?
Safely! Always try to use the cable that comes with the device as its the one the manufacturer advise you use. The main problem people have with charging devices is they use a Smart Plug. These plugs provide a current at 5A which is completely overpowered for a Vape. Devices prefer a slow 'trickle charge' at 1A which completes a full charge in the safest way.
This is most safely completed by charging from a Games Console, a TV, a power bank, from the Car or a USB Socket built into a wall face.
Why is my kit leaking?
Without seeing the kit in person, this one can be tricky to diagnose, but there are a few common answers to this one. You could be running the device at the wrong wattage (too/less powerful than the coil requires), the coil could be burnt out, you may have not sealed the pod/tank properly. There are countless possibilities, but if in doubt, ask!
Can I use 70/30 juice in a pod kit?
The simplest answer is yes, but you really shouldn't! Pod kits and their respective pods are designed to be used with 50/50 high nicotine liquids. The main reason for this is because the device has a smaller power output, it doesn't have the necessary performance to burn the thicker liquids properly. You can use 70/30 in them, but expect to see leakage and your coil life decreased dramatically.
How long should I leave a new coil/pod before I use it?
The rule of thumb is 5 minutes from filling your tank/pod before the first draw. We always say fill it up, put it down & make a brew - by the time you're back, its ready! There are coils that absorb the liquid quicker and there are also some tricks of the trade, but better to be safe than sorry!
What wattage do I run my device at?
This varies completely on the device and the coil you have in, but a general rule is the lower the ohms, the higher the wattage! This is a question we get asked quite often, so don't be afraid to do the same! There are many devices on the market that have smart capabilities to read and automatically set the power correctly.
How long will a coil/pod last before it burns out?
How long is a piece of string? There are so many variables to answer this, but generally, if you're running at the correct wattage with the correct juice, you should be able to expect 10-14 days per coil, but this will always differ!
What chemicals am I putting into my body by vaping?
All the ingredients that go into a bottle of e-liquid are listed on the side of the bottle, but if you ever want a more descriptive breakdown of the ingredients, do not hesitate to ask!